Operational Support & Training
Anchor Innovation, Inc. maintains a staff of professional and seasoned mariners with relevant and significant military maritime experience in the operation and sustainment of shipboard, small boats/craft and associated waterfront equipment. Anchor's technical approach for each project we support is tailored according to the size, scope and complexity. Anchor maintains close ties to leading industry partners to offer the best technical solution for all customers including:
In-depth subject-matter-expertise for the development of Navy Personal Qualification Standards (PQS) and Training Courses of Instruction.
Harbor Security Training Support
Technology Insertion and Integration
Port Operations and Management Support
Shipboard, Small Boat and Craft Operator, Maintenance and Instruction
Development and design of composite materials technology port support equipment solutions
Anchor enjoys a sterling working relationship with the top industry leaders to bring our valued customers progressive products and unmatched service available in the industry to meet your mission.
"Train like you fight" is more than just a slogan for Anchor personnel – we are dedicated to ensuring Navy Security Forces are capable of protecting critical assets 24/7 against a changing and asymmetric threat.
In addition to Anchor Risk Group's unique training capabilities, Anchor is able to deliver world class training and exercise support to meet you needs.
U.S. Navy Harbor Security Boats (HSB) are the first line of defense against waterborne attacks directed at our operational assets vital to national security. In the rush to bolster harbor security after the USS COLE incident, and expedited by "9/11" terrorist attacks, Anchor was on the leading edge supporting Navy Region Southwest's development of a comprehensive HSB Training Program. This effort became the genesis for the current Shore Installation Management Basic Boat Coxswain (SIMBBC) Course, which has become the Navy standard for HSB and Oil Spill Response (OSR) Level 1 coxswain training. Additionally, Anchor provides SIMBBC instruction and Class II swimmer certification and training for all East Coast installations and OCONUS bases in Rota, Spain, Guantanamo, Cuba, Souda Bay, Crete, and Manama, Bahrain. Anchor is proud of the impact we have had on the U.S. Navy's HSB training program. Other Anchor training efforts include:
Navy Seamanship & Ship-handling Training (NSST) for US Navy bridge watch teams and Prospective Executive and Commanding Officers
Navy Maritime Expeditionary Security Group MK VI operations
NASA Orion Human Space Flight Program US Navy Amphibious Strike Group capsule recovery and astronaut rescue
Deck Operations & Engineering Support and Training - Improved Navy Lighterage Systems (INLS), Weapons Training, and Command & Control Systems
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER) certification course throughout Navy Region Southeast
Oversight of Harbor Security Boat Training and maintenance in Navy Region Southwest
Acoustic Hailing Device employment and "Train-the-Trainer" training for various Navy organizations, and private company security personnel
Major Navy staff Navy AT CONOPS and AT OPORD indoctrination training
Major Navy staff working group facilitators
Mission Essential Personnel (MEP) and Operational Planning Workshops
Anchor leverages our Navy Antiterrorism and small craft operations and maintenance expertise to support analysis of waterfront and port security solutions for government customers.
Exercise Development and Support - Anchor Innovation, Inc. supported United States Fleet Forces Command in the development, planning and conduct of the Solid Curtain ⁄ Citadel Shield series of force protection ⁄ antiterrorism exercises. A coordinated effort between U.S. Fleet Forces Command and Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC), the exercise is conducted nation-wide and is the largest AT exercise within the Department Of Defense. The exercise utilizes the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) process to develop capabilities and performance-based objectives. Anchor Innovation Inc. is positioned to assist and coordinate any exercise with a complete staff of nationally recognized subject matter experts in all areas of Security, Law Enforcement, and Emergency Management. We can provide planning, training, exercise design and oversight of exercise conduct to any federal, state, or local government agency.