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  • Seaport-e is the Navy's electronic platform for acquiring support services in 22 functional areas including Engineering, Financial Management, and Program Management. The Navy Systems Commands (NAVSEA, NAVAIR, SPAWAR, NAVFAC, and NAVSUP), the Office of Naval Research, the United States Marine Corp, the Strategic Systems Program (SSP), and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) compete their service requirements amongst 1800+ SeaPort-e IDIQ multiple award contract holders.

  • The SeaPort-e portal provides a standardized, efficient means of soliciting offers from amongst the diverse population of large and small businesses and their approved team members.

  • SeaPort-NxG is the follow-on to Seaport-e - Anchor received our first award under the new contract vehicle in September 2019.


As part of the SeaportNxG contracting team, we are committed to providing quality products, services, and expertise to organizations through the NAVSEA contract vehicle.


  • Task Order - N00178-14-D-7609 - NW0106

  • Task Order - N00178-14-D-7609 - FK0103

  • Task Order - N00178-14-D-7609 - N0018917F3014

  • Task Order - N00178-14-D-7609 - N0024417F3003P00001

  • Awarded initial prime SeaPort-e contract during the March 2008, rolling admission and follow-on award in 2014 and Seaport NxG in Sep 2019. There are no technical instructions at this time.


Anchor looks forward to providing past performance and experience for emerging contracts.


Anchor Innovation, Inc. has implemented an ISO 9001:2015 compliant, NAVSEA approved quality management system. Our policies, program and procedures are dedicated to delivery quality and value

  • Anchor employees continually strive to improve process efficiency and effectiveness in order to provide our customers quality products and services exceeding quality and service standards. At a minimum, our "threshold" is to provide our customers with products and services that meet contractual and applicable regulatory requirements. However Anchor's "objective" is to exceed required standards recognized by the customer and industry. The goal of this policy is to involve every Anchor employee in the pursuit of excellence and to exceed customer expectations.

  • Each employee, from the Anchor Innovation, Inc. CEO down to the most junior employee, is empowered to act immediately when necessary to preserve our corporate commitment to excellence and quality. Safe Equipment, Highly Trained/Qualified People, Quality of Product/Workmanship, Continual Improvement and Customer Satisfaction are given top priority in every endeavor. Anchor has a policy of Zero Tolerance for non-conformance with both contract requirements, and maintenance/operations procedures.

Please use the form below to contact Anchor Innovation, Inc. to discuss how we can support your SeaportNxG Task Orders:

Task Order and Quality Contact: Chris Powell, President

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